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Mitto Forms are online registration forms that can be quickly and conveniently created within the Mitto Events system. Registration forms are highly customizable for any type of event. They can be of various complexity, visually personalized to match the identity of any event, and easily integrated into your website. The system allows You to automatically send to participants personalized confirmation emails, process payments for event participation, create and send personalized tickets to participants, and much more.

We understand that the registration process is often complex and time-consuming for the organizer, so we designed this system for our clients to feel intuitive and easy to use when they need to manage or quickly make changes in participant data or form settings.

The statistics section allows organizers to manage data easily, track registration progress, make summaries and overviews, and conveniently filter, group, and export participant-submitted information. When creating an event in the Mitto Events system, it is possible to create multiple registration forms intended for different groups of participants, therefore categorizing participants already during the registration process, for example – participants, speakers, employees, etc.

Sounds interesting? Get in touch with us, and we will tell you more about how you can save your time and resources by using Mitto Events.



Mitto Events App is a new product we have created for event organizers. This web-based application allows event attendees to have a great experience networking with other event participants. Each participant has a personalized profile accessible by logging into the application. In the profile, participants can update their information, upload a profile picture, and add their interests for match-making purposes. The application provides an agenda, main news feed, section for asking questions, video livestream section, list of attendees and speakers, communication capabilities, and much more.

Networking is an integral part of any event, allowing people to meet new individuals and establish connections with them. Mitto Events App provides a unique opportunity to expand your contacts through networking features.

The application is dedicated, visually personalized, and accessible via the website (without any need for prior download and install), allowing it to be used not only on mobile devices but also on tablets and computers.

We continuously implement new features and capabilities to provide the best service and experience to both event organizers and attendees. We strongly believe that Mitto Events App will be a must-have tool for event participants!



Scientific papers, abstracts, and theses are fundamental components of scientific conferences, and to make this process convenient for both authors and reviewers, Mitto Events offers an abstract and thesis submission and evaluation module. It allows for easy submission of scientific papers, whether they are in written form or already prepared documents. Upon submission, the papers are added to the evaluation module, where dedicated reviewers can access and assess them by predefined criteria. Evaluated papers are available in a section where the scientific committee can overview, access, and compile them into a unified collection of works. Further processes are automated, and communication with authors of accepted and rejected papers is also fully automated, convenient, and fast. This simplifies the work for reviewers and organizers.

We have extensive experience in the scientific paper submission process, and we gladly share our knowledge with event organizers to facilitate this process.



Theater, sports games, concerts, or conferences. What do they all have in common? Tickets can be sold to all of them using Mitto Events! The platform is ideally suited for ticket sales for any event, allowing participants to quickly and conveniently purchase tickets, pay for them, and receive them in digital format in their email within a few minutes. Many event organizers also use our services for collecting participation fees for conferences, but Mitto Events is suitable for any event where participation or entry fees are required.

Creating personalized forms for ticket sales and the tickets themselves is a quick process, and it is easy to administer and monitor sales progress. And what does Mitto Events offer that other ticketing platforms do not? Fully personalized tickets. Tickets can be created in any size and layout, either by choosing from pre-defined templates or fully customizing them to the client`s preferences.

Mitto Events also provides ticket scanning solutions (with smartphones or laser scanners), allowing to quickly scan participant’s tickets at the event venue. Our extensive experience in on-site event registration processes allows us to be experts, and we are happy to share our knowledge with our clients.



Mitto Events offers a complete registration service package, including also technical support during the event remotely or on-site at the event venue. Our team will help to set up all the necessary equipment for the registration process at the registration area, instruct registration personnel, and ensure work quality at the registration area so that the event organizer can take care of everything else that is needed for the event. We will handle everything from start to finish to make the registration process enjoyable for everyone.

We have participated in a wide range of events, from small-scale seminars to international conferences with several thousand attendees all over Europe. Our years of experience in this field have made us experts in event on-site participant registration, and we are happy to assist our clients in planning the registration process at the event venue. That’s why international organizers appreciate our services and ask us to participate and help them in the event-organizing process. Mitto Events team offers what others do not - freedom from unnecessary headaches on the day the event takes place.


About us

Mitto Events was created in Latvia and developed by industry experts who have worked in the event-organizing sector for many years. Over the years, we have provided services for a variety of events in different European countries. We have collaborated with both small and large organizations, government agencies, and European and global organizations. We can proudly say that everyone who has chosen our services has been satisfied and appreciated our work and the high standards that we have set for ourselves over the years. That is proven over and over again by organizers returning for our services for their next events. As a Latvian company, we are also delighted when events take place outside Latvia, and our system and services are used by companies and organizations in other countries. We are pleased to receive recognition from international event organizers.

Mitto Events is a small but powerful company!

About us

Our clients

Software for events




Since 2018




Registered in events

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Event-based forms

In Mitto Events you create events. In each event you can build an unlimited number of forms and the data, which the participants will fill in, will be sortable within specified form or whole event scope. Just create one form per language or participant category. You can copy form content and settings or make different content and settings for each form if necessary.

All the data sent from the participant’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone or even Smart TVor fridge) are encrypted while transferring using SSL encryption certificate and also stored securely on our servers.

Logical functions

No matter how complex your form will be, Mitto Events can handle it.

There are built-in logical functions such as IF, AND, OR. For larger or more complex events we are able to create custom solutions and logics depending on the event`s specific needs.

Your Design

Everything starting from font colour and size to background images and favicons, including custom CSS files - you can manage it all by yourself via the form builder section. If you already have an event website then just embed our form and it will look like and seamlessly be as part of it.

Invitations, reminders, confirmations

Smooth communication all in a handy e-mail library. Personalised and individual e-mail messages. Quick and simple access to all e-mail messages anytime. Automatic reminders and confirmations.

Badges, tickets, and certificates

Mitto forms can automatically generate PDF files for all mentioned types of documents that could be intended for printout with or without trim boxes and bleed boxes for digital print or just for digital use. We can also implement your custom design and our platform will generate necessary content on it. In cooperation with the best print providers in Baltics we offer full service with on-site delivery to the event venue.

Attendance tracking

For on-site attendance check, our clients can use our own developed check-in scanner application . Application allows users to scan Barcode/QR/NFC codes from participants name badges or tickets not only in single check-in mode, but also in re-entering or validation mode. All data will automatically be synchronised to the main platform, which stands as SPoM (Single Point of Management), with options to export data or follow real time attendance statistics. Nevertheless, in cases event organisers have pre-distributed badges or client/ID cards, we can upload a predefined list of attendees' identification QR codes, NFC codes and other.

Online statistics

The data submitted by attendees is available online on any device, and it is easy to review and manage. You can find your attendees by using sort options by registration date, type, form and payment statuses, and filled in data. You can also set up custom fields to be displayed thus also creating custom export files for those fields. Of course, full data is always available for you to export.

Payments and ticketing

We accept VISA and Mastercard card payments as well as payments via online backlinks of the largest banks in Latvia, such as SEB bank, Swedbank and Luminor. Organisers can set up different ticket types, promo codes and prices depending on registration deadline.

For event agencies and annual conference organisers we can set up third party payment systems such as PayPal or Stripe.

Paper submission and review

This section of Mitto Events allows organisers to create forms for submission of any kind of scientific papers, projects for competition or any other information that needs to be reviewed by a jury committee or other reviewers. Forms can contain character limits, file uploads, co-author information and any other specific information related to the event.

Reviewers can access all submissions or can be limited to specific Review criteria and other settings are fully adjustable to the specifics of the event, separately for each submission category. You can also set up an automatic e-mail notification for submission author upon acceptance or denial of review.

Web page module

With our built-in website CMS You can create a special conference website. Design is really simple to adjust to the event identity as well as content. This module helps to not only to create predefined sections as Agenda, Speakers, Contact but uYou can add Text sections to create and adjust the content as You need.


When it comes to huge amounts of different data then our CRM module can be helpful. You can add groups and tags to the registration forms to categorise participants from multiple events into a single list overview, so You will automatically see profile and patterns of recurring participants or customers. You can manage mailing lists, setup automatic triggers for joining to mailing lists, view client`s registration and email history and with custom data fields set up, You can keep additional information about clients` profiles. And of course all data is easy to sort, overview and to administrate.

Custom solutions

Sometimes the world is enough! If You need a custom event based solution we can say with confidence that we can help You. We have created such solutions for European Rally Championship, World Rallycross Championship, biggest 5G technology event in Baltic sea region – 5G Techritory , Latvian Information and communications technology association (LIKTA), Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA), Riga City Council, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia and Riga Stradins University, University of Latvia.